So I've decided that I need to start reading some absurdist literature. I haven't read any as of yet, but from what I can tell, I think absudism is a very intriguing philosophy, in theory.
From what I can find, absudism maintains that human life is essentially meaningless, but as humans we strive to find meaning in life (often through religion), or come to the conclusion that life is meaningless alltogether. This realization can potentially be very depressing for people, which could lead to the removal from an absurb life, aka, suicide.
The importance is to realize that life is absurd, and to find meaning within the moments we have - appreciate the beauty around us.
As someone who finds more wrong/confusing with organised religion than good/easy to accept, I find this "ism" very appealing. I can see the drive that people have to find meaning, but I also believe that it is entirely selfish for people to believe that this whole universe was created solely for us. The world is much more complex than we can understand, and we are but a mere speck of dust in comparison.
On the other hand, I am also too much of an agnostic to entirely discredit the possibility of a higher power of sorts. As long as the questions of the universe are still to be answered, I will still harbour thoughts that something beyond our comprehension has played a part.
It is the meaning of the moments of beauty which I really enjoy in absurdism. As I have mentioned before, nature is a large part of my spirituality. Why should I spend hours of my time praying through blind faith, when I can go outside and experience life for that it has to offer? I can see the complexity of the space surrounding me, and appreciate that I am but a tiny piece in the puzzle.

Experience the beauty that has manifested itself in our little planet, and appreciate it for what it is.