Wednesday, September 27, 2006

music thoughts...

"Music is what feelings sounds like."

I don't know where I originally heard this from, but issues surrounding this quote have come up a lot in my readings the past two days.

Music makes us feel. We listen to music to enhance or alter our current feelings, moods, etc. That is the point of popular music: to portray "universal" emotions for audience members to self-identify with. We are no more looking for music that we think is "good" than we are looking for music which will make us feel how we want to feel.

But, the problem also arises that people feel differently: hence differences in taste. Our feelings our sociologically based, defined through our lives (or habitus). And, as a reflection of our feelings, our musical tates are also sociologically based. To one person, punk music may make them feel energized and alive, but to others, the same music can make someone feel angered and irritated. All genres and styles will be felt differently by different people. The need then arises to find people who feel, listen to music, similarly to us.

It could be argued that we choose our friends less by musical style, but by the base level of`a similar ability to feel.

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