At the moment, I have nothing to do.
The feeling of guilt which has plagued me for the past two years solid is easing up, my lungs can inhale fully, and my heart can slowly return to its normal functioning. This is great and all, but it has me thinking of creative ways in which I can occupy the abyss of time between working this summer and returning to school in the fall.
I'll be back on the coast, and surrounded by BC hippies. Really. Robert's Creek is one of the last havens for draft dodgers and just plain old hippies left in Canada. But I guess I can't complain too much. I'm really just one of them. A consumerist hippy, that is.
Now, I'm not actually FROM Robert's Creek. I'm from the next area over - Davis Bay. This allowed me to grow up removed from the hippie lifestyle enough to know that the rest of the world is a capitalist warzone waiting for me to consume, consume, consume, while also providing me with enough sense to get a degree and "do something" with my life. Thankfully, it gave me the opportunity to mock the creekers and all that they stand for (while secretly wishing I could join their lifestyle. But is the easier path really better??)
Just take a look at this photo. It explains all.

1 comment:
Ahem. I'm a Creeker. Is there something wrong with that????
I'm just going to nip off now and hug a tree. See you sometime in the next few moon cycles.
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