Yes, child feces. Well, at this point in the summer, the lake is perfectly fine to swim in. And very warm today! But by the end of the summer, there are so many small bodies in this small lake that the top layer is covered with a slime of sunscreen and baby poos float by every so often. Pleasant!
Ha ha. Anyways, my day in the sun was great and relaxing. See photo below.

Afterwards I ventured to the John Henry's Marina and store where I had the largest single scoop ice cream cone I've ever encountered in my life. Unfortunately I didn't think to photograph the cone, but I did get a shot of the harbour.

On a side note. I read an article this morning in the latest Cosmopolitan about women soldiers in Iraq. Firstly, it's no secret that I think war is retarded and we shouldn't even have soldiers in the first place. Why should innocent people fight the fights of those higher up than them?? Out of patriocy?? Hell no. Country borders are figments of our imagination anyways, we shouldn't be bound so rigidly to them.
Back to the article - this one female soldier noted that her most frustrating moment in Iraq was when she shot at an insurgent and he didn't die. Holy crap. That is so wrong.
"So honey, how was your day today?"
"Crappy, I didn't get to kill anyone."
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