I decided to read the one that is obviously aimed at a young-reader audience first. And boy, was it ever painful to read! Not subject wise, for the Sasquatch remains an enigma and a source of inquisitiveness, but the way in which the book was written, and the monotony of it was indeed painful.
The book: "Bigfoot: All over the country" by Marian T. Place
Basically, Marion just recounted story after story of Bigfoot sightings, and even some hoaxes. There was no new news on the Bigfoot, or what it could be, but just a book of sightings. Perhaps this book was aimed more at those who don't already believe.
This next book seems a lot more interesting - but I shant divulge too much here until I've completed it. But so far, there's a theory that Bigfoots have mystical powers and can see in the dark. Intriguing!
On another note - Lance Bass is gay!

Is this really news? Haven't we been saying this since NSync first came out?? (ha ha, no pun intended). But all humour aside, so what? I think he should've come out right away, it could have opened up a whole new demographic for the band, increased their profits twicefold!
In fact, my idea for a new supergroup would be the "Sexually Tolerant Spice People." You'd have a gay man, a lesbian woman, a bisexual, a straight person, and maybe even a tranny! Through the power of catchy pop tunes, young tweens everywhere will learn about tolerance and acceptance! Sweet action, yo!

(With photos like these...who would've seen it coming?)
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