Wednesday, October 04, 2006

"we don't tolerate stupidity"

So I woke up this morning and read this on Yahoo! news:

If you're going to be so careless with an innocent life growing inside you, then you are obviously not prepared to be giving birth and raising a child.

I have often mentioned to people that a license should be implemented in order to have children (kind of like a marriage license). This would prevent people who should not be having children from having children. Obviously it's not as easy as this - there's the whole human rights issues, morals, etc.etc...but still! People should not be stupid enough to think that they can smoke during pregnancy in the hopes that it will make the birth easier!

Please, can we infect children with tar/nicotine/formaldehyde/arsenic/butane before they're even born!?

Next thing you know there'll be people genetically altering fetuses to create uber-babies..... oh wait....

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